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Phone 212 693 530* *Cost of call according to your landline network prices

Clinical Analysis

In Germano de Sousa Group - Laboratory Medicine Centre, you can do a wide range of clinical analysis with the highest Quality and Accuracy.
Please go to the menu below and select the type of the clinical analysis you wish, to get more information.
If you have any doubt or question, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Tel.: 212 693 530 /531 /532 /533*
*Cost of call  according to your landline network prices

Email: contact@germanodesousa.com

Need to do clinical analysis and have questions?

Medicines interfere with the Laboratory results?
Can we do blood tests with flu, cold or fever?
Urine can only be collected in the laboratory?

Consult our frequently asked questions page and remove any doubts you may have in the preparation and analysis process.

See all FAQs

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